Thursday, May 31, 2012

Popoyo - Nicaragua

 Popoyo Beach

Neighbors eccentric mushroom house

 Doomed crabs fallen in the swimming pool ... I saved a few of them!

 Animal friend fellow

 Overcame the paranoia of birds


Monday, May 28, 2012

San Juan del Sur - Nicaragua

Back to comfort - Nicaragua

Just arrived in a small little hostal in 'San Juan del sur' that usually would have seamed like a 1 star choise, now after a week living in close contact with animals, organic life and nature, this looks like a 5 star choise!

Last monday we arrived in a vulcano island called Ometepe, and after the usual 5 hour boat ride, bus plus taxi we got to our lodging ... an organic farm on top of a steep vulano hike... my first thought: Shower!... too bad there was no light, as sun was already down and the shower was deep in the forest with no door or roof .... After breathing, counting to ten and letting it go I had the best shower of my life surrounded only by fireflyes in complete darkness.
A memory I will treasure for life.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Isla de Ometepe - Nicaragua

Lake of Nicaragua overlooking Ometepe a UNESCO island formed by two volcanoes: Concepción and Maderas

Our hut 'Mariposa' in 'El Zopilote' an organc Finca

White-throated Magpie-Jay


What a face!

Beautiful view of Lake Nicaragua

Volcano Concepción

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Masaya - Nicaragua

... Enjoying a 'high' smoothie...

 'Escuela de Boxeo' sign

Apparently you are allowed to sleep on the job

 Not many here can afford a Play Station so there are shops where you can go play; Went in for a second went out the one after ... 10 play station at full volume ...

Iggy's second trim @Mercedes

 Dreadlocks are still there ...

 Lara's first trim

Entrada de el Mercado de artesania local

Frittelle Nica

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Big Corn Island on a rainy day

Here we are, surrounded by happiness, on a beautiful tropical rainy day.
We found our selves guests in a small colorfull island radio station and while Iggy recorded I just thought of how many opportunities we have in life and how happiness is made of thouse opportunities and moments.
There, in a simple concrete purple and blue studio, with bananas and wild pineapples awaiting outside I did feel happy.

During this trip I'm trying to put ideas together so that at 30, to the question, what do you want to do? I may have an answer.
On the other side I think, is it so bad not to have an answer? Does everybody know? And what does it mean if I don't know?
What I'm figuring out is that many times what we do and the path we follow is not our path but one that others have directly on indirectly chosen for us. Not to follow it may mean to letting down, struggling with our selves for what we were though is right and what we think is right.
I'm not sure what will come out from all of this but what I did come to know is that truly one suit does not fit all.